Requirement Cases

Requirement Cases

Requirements are optional part of Test Management with TestFLO. However, it is very common to use JIRA for Requirements Management. Possible options are:

1. Integrate Confluence (http://www.atlassian.com/resources/better-together/jira-confluence) with JIRA.
Link issue type Requirement with Confluence page.

2. Use scrum product backlog with JIRA Agile (https://marketplace.atlassian.com/plugins/com.pyxis.greenhopper.jira).
Story/epic is your Requirement then.

3. Search for Requirements Management add-on on marketplace https://marketplace.atlassian.com.
Often requirement will be just an another issue type you can use in TestFLO.

4. With JIRA out-of-the-box: create Requirement issue type and customize its workflow.

Preparing/building Requirements is a starting point with Test Management. Requirements dive deep into whole TM process – they appear on TCT, TP, Defects. In this chapter, with few use cases we will show how TestFLO supports Requirements.

Use Case #101: Show all Test Plans that were created for given requirement to visualize test progress from requirement level. 

It can be done by using Panel Filter Result

OS – all TPs” filter is build from following JQL: project = OS AND issuetype = "Test Plan". You can add any other filter criteria to meet your needs. Setup corresponding columns in “OS – all TPs” filter that you want to show on Requirement.

“Requirement” field is on TP for storing reference to Requirement (for more see plugin Administrator's Guide).

Use Case #102: Sometimes requirements are tested across several product/software releases – mostly regression tests.

That situation leads to a lot of Test Plans created for one Requirement issue. You may want to show:

a) only not resolved Test Plans,

b) Test Plans grouped by release version (or any other field/criteria that is relevant for you).

It can be done by using Panel Filter Result. You need to create several panels similar to UC101 but each panel will have different criteria in “JQL” configuration option (for example Requirement ~ _ISSUE_KEY_ and "affectedVersion" = "1.0").

Use Case #103: During Test Cases execution some defects can be found.

Defects will be linked with Test Cases, however we know that TCs are executed under specific Test Plan which has connection to Requirement. That's why we can show Defects under Requirement to track problems from requirement perspective.

It can be done by using Panel Filter Result.

“OS – all Defects” filter is build from following JQL: project = OS AND issuetype = "Bug". You can add any other filter criteria to meet your needs. Setup corresponding columns in “OS – all Defects” filter that you want to show on Requirement.

“Requirement” field is on Defect/Bug for storing reference to Requirement (for more see plugin Administrator's Guide).

Use Case #104: When Requirements are tested a lot of Defects can be created. You may want to group Defects by priorities, release versions, components or any other field.

Here is one example with Blocker-Critical group and Major-Trivial group.

It can be done by using Panel Filter Result. You need to create several panels similar to Use Case #103 but each panel will have different criteria in “JQL” configuration option (for example: Requirement ~ _ISSUE_KEY_ and "priority" = "Blocker", Requirement ~ _ISSUE_KEY_ and priority < critical).

Use Case #105: Show Defects resolution progress on Requirement. 

It can be done by using TestFLO - Subtask Color Status. In configuration we use “Child Issue Key Cf Id” instead of subtasks.

Use Case #106: Create hierarchy of requirements.

It can be done by using Panel Filter Result.

“OS – all Requirements” filter is build from following JQL: project = OS AND issuetype = "Requirement". You can add any other filter criteria to meet your needs. Setup corresponding columns in “OS – all Requirements” filter that you want to show on Requirement.

“Parent Requirement” field is on Requirement issue type for storing reference to another Requirement. This simple configuration allows you to build requirements hierarchy with unlimited levels.

We are going to improve tracking and information aggregation mechanisms in one of next releases.

More about tracking and reporting in Control chapter.

Use Case #107: Test Case Templates list for test coverage.

How many Test Case Templates are already created for given requirement? 

Show tests coverage using Panel Filter Result.

Use Case #108: Close Issue only if all related Test Plans and Defects are closed.

Requirement can not be closed before all of the related Test Plans and Defects are not closed.