REST API - Create TC with Steps

REST API - Create TC with Steps


Below you can find REST endpoint for the Create Test Case with Steps. Parameters should be passed in a JSON file.

Method: POST

URL: $jira_context/rest/api/2/issue


  • key (project)
  • parent (key of parent issue)
  • issuetype (Test Case)
  • customfield_ID (ID number of TC Template field, issuekey of TCT)
  • customfield_ID (ID number of Steps field)
  • isGroup (value: true or false)

    If the parameter is true, it is a group.
    If the parameter is false, then this is a step.

  • cells

    If the isGroup parameter is set to true then fill in the name of the group. This parameter accepts only one cell.
    If the isGroup parameter is set to false then fill the data for the row from the Steps field. The number of columns in the file has to be the same as Steps columns configuration from the project.

See the sample file with a structure (configuration of three columns in Steps) - tc_create_with_steps.json