Test Case Template (TCT)

Test Case Template (TCT)

The Test Case Template is a non-executable instance of the test case. We might describe it as a test specification. This issue type provides the data for test cases created later in the process.

Custom Fields

The Details section has been enriched with new custom fields to gather useful informations. These are:

  • TCT Version - version of a Test Case Template. This number increases when a TCT is updated.
  • Preconditions - what has to be done, before a test can be executed.
  • TCT Status - status of a Test Case Template. This is a workflow status with custom color configuration.

Note: Except the custom fields listed above, we also use default JIRA fields like Priority, Component/s or Labels to categorize the templates. Also there is a default TestFLO custom field Requirement.


Workflow of the Test Case Template issue type has been modified to track the state of the template better.


  • New - newly created, not on production yet
  • Active - ready for use. The only active state of TCT
  • Inactive - cannot be used
  • Update required - requires update
  • Updating - update in progress
  • Ready for production - after update, ready to go to production


Make Snapshot

When your TCT needs an update, you might want to store its state before the changes. Performing an Update transition on the TCT workflow will create a Test Snapshot.

Increment TCT Version

When your TCT is going back to production after an update, TCT Version field will automatically increment its value upon making a To production transition on TCT workflow.