Projects' Organization

Projects' Organization

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You can choose whether you want to keep your current projects separately from TestFLO, or combine them together. Below you can find some suggestion for adapting TestFLO to testing projects.

Simple solution

One of the easiest concept for implementation. Everything is in a single Jira project. You can manage tests, requirements and create bugs in one place. The approach works great in projects where are small teams.

General test management

This approach aggregates all test management issues into a separate project. In a simple way, the test repository and test executions can be located in a single project and used for many other development projects. To be able to combine the test management project with others, just select the project/s which store requirements. To get more information, see Requirements tab.

Many applications

This concept is a exteded version of General Test Management and presents approach which for every development project exist test management project. TestFLOs project configuration gives an opportunity to individually indicate the related project where the requirements are stored. It is also possible to indicate the project where you want to create defects. To read more, see Defects tab.

Separate test repository

This approach gives you the opportunity to create a test repository in a dedicated project. The TestFLO configuration allows you to manage in which project the given module should be enabled (to get more information, see Test Repository tab). With separate test repository, you can decide which group of users can create test cases and another execute them in a different project.

You can scale this solution to one central test repository for all projects or define many test repositories - each one for a project.

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