IssueSYNC for ServiceNow




The solution provides bi-directional synchronization between Jira Cloud and ServiceNow. It supports current Jira Cloud and all available ServiceNow versions (till their EOL).

You need to have administrator's privileges to both applications to complete configuration.

 IssueSYNC is installed on Jira instance (bridge) as a marketplace app but configuration and data synchronization is managed on dedicated cloud platform you will be redirected to during installation.

Marketplace app

First step is to find and install IssueSYNC for ServiceNow App from Atlassian Marketplace.

You can search for it in Administration → Apps →  Find new apps:


Select IssueSYNC and install it.

After installation get started with IssueSYNC by selecting ISSUESYNC → Configuration and pressing the redirect button.

 It is required to bind your Jira Cloud instance with IssueSYNC cloud platform (external to Jira) where all configuration are made in next steps.


If you don't have current IssueSYNC Account already you should register it (see the next step).

Register an IssueSYNC Account

IssueSYNC Account is independent from either your Jira user account or  ServiceNow user account.

IssueSYNC Account is for dedicated platform where all configurations are made. 

For single Jira ↔ ServiceNow integration you can have more than one account. There is no additional charge for those accounts.

To register an account fill registration form. You will get an email confirmation with link to click to finish registration process.

 No additional user data are stored in IssueSYNC.


After successful account creation you can login to IssueSYNC to continue with configuration:


 If your link to bind Jira Cloud to IssueSYNC has expired you will need to go to IssueSYNC configuration in Jira and press bind button again. Use your IssueSYNC Account to login (or you will be automatically logged in if you have valid session in different web browser tab).




To create new Connection you will need to select:

  • One of bond Jira Cloud instance

  • Provide ServiceNow URL and administrator's credentials

Admin Account Permissions

Required permissions for Admin account when configuring a connection









showing list of tables for synchronization is scope configuration


read, create, delete

managing business rules that trigger events on synchronized tables



showing list of columns for synchronization, field mapping action


If credentials are valid, new connection will show on the list.


You can change ServiceNow credentials by pressing pen icon on the Connection.

If you press Connection box itself you will be able to setup Configuration Items (see the next step).


Configuration Items

Each Connection can have many Configuration Items which simply defines your synchronization contract (what, when and how will be synchronized).



Adding new Configuration Item redirect to Scope form where you can select for each side:

  • What will be synchronized (project, issue type, table).

  • Filtering criteria (JQL or Query) - it will synchronize only those tickets that match criteria. Mind that ServiceNow query has no validation API so you need to make sure you enter valid query.

  • Synchronization direction and events: create and/or update. For example select 'send create' on Jira side to replicate Jira ticket in ServiceNow.

  • ServiceNow service account on behalf all changes will be made in ServiceNow. 
     For Jira all changes are made by app user created automatically when you install IssueSYNC marketplace app.

Right click on filter name to show menu with ‘copy query’ option.


Service Account Permissions

Required permissions for service account when configuring a Scope:

Table and operations



Table and operations



synchronized table (with parent task table) 

read, write

required for data synchronization of the selected table



required for data synchronization



required for searching users by name, email



required for searching options in select fields

comments, work notes, attachments for synchronized table

read, write

required for data synchronization



After fulfilling the form, save it and go to Actions tab on the left.



Actions let you define what part of data will be synchronized and in which direction

At least you need to synchronize field by selecting Field Mapping box to make all Configuration Item valid.

In most cases Jira→ Summary and ServiceNow → Short Description field will be required in your systems to create a ticket.

There is automated field values mapping algorithm implemented. Some tips: dictionary fields will be mapped by value name, you can make a mapping to text field almost from every type of field.

You can also select synchronization direction:



You can synchronize comments to ServiceNow notes both private and public.

 Currently Jira Service Desk public comments are not supported.




Run & Test

On Status tab you can enable your Configuration Item. From now on tickets will be synchronized.


You can make a simple test to verify if synchronization is working.

Create ticket in Jira:


After successful synchronization you will see ServiceNow link in Synchronization tab on the right.


It will redirect you to ServiceNow (you need to have an user account and proper permissions to see corresponding ticket).


Comments are replicated with additional meta-information (when it was originally created and who is the author).



Troubleshooting & Support

You can reach us or

You can also investigate your synchronization messages in Log console available in each Configuration Item → Status → See logs tab.


IssueSYNC Account Management

IssueSYNC stores only email address and password. You can change your password at any time. It will not affect running synchronizations.