
We want to archive JIRA issues in Closed, Resolved, Done statuses.


You have to have two JIRA instances:

  • Production
  • Archive ($10 for 10 users; only 1 technical user needed)

Archive instance should have similar configuration like Production for projects and issue types you want to archive.

Communication model

Use OUTGOING model.


Create Connection & Contract on both JIRA instances (see Connection & Synchronize 101).

Configuration details



Access to this JIRA only for administrator, technical user, others that should browse old issues.
Field Mapping should contains all data you need to archive.Corresponding mapping should be set.

Create trigger should be an workflow event (GENERIC_EVENT or particular ones set in your transitions to Close, Resolved, Done statuses).

Comments should be Synchronize All

Attachments should be Synchronize All

No triggers for communication. This instance does not sent data outside.
JQL Constraint in contract can be set to query like this: status in (Closed, Resolved, Done)


  • Archived issues may not have the same issueKey (depending on sequence).
  • Archived issues will not have change history nor workflow transitions executed according to original issues.
  • This is good for keeping only fields data for further queries, statistics, etc.

Some of those drawbacks can be overcome when implementing synchronization from the very beginning of issue creation till it is closed including Workflow Synchronization.