There are some validators implemented around Field Mapping (select only relevant remote field type for your local one, provide local field name, etc.).

There is a lot of custom fields provider on Atlassian Marketplace we cannot handle, some are with very sophisticated API. However, there is a chance they support JIRA REST API and can be used with IssueSYNC plugin. We give you a possibility to try it for your own.

In some cases you can find an error message in the log file that refer to Field Mapping problem:

ERROR Unsupported field type detected. Field Status (status) has no field mapper!

That means the field 'status' is not supported and cannot be synchronized. (For that particular field seeĀ Workflow Synchronization.)

However this error:

{"errorMessages":[],"errors":{"project":"project is required"}}

may have source in wrong Field Mapping (Remote Field names).