Tracking Worklogs

Worklog synchronization can be useful to track progress of tickets or overall project progress.

  • In this scenario worklogs synchronization is enabled on left contract. The entries were created in SSP-25 and replicated to SC-1.
  • Worklog created by "Administrator" user is synchronized using "Technical User".  It has to have Worklog Permission in that project.
    This is because User Directories often differ between two synchronized JIRAs.
    • However, you got information about username / connection /contract / time of original worklog in the description.
  • Worklogs are ordered chronological based on reported time in worklog entry (not time when user added a worklog).
  • Workflogs are synchronized incremental - changes to worklogs are not propagated to the remote JIRA.

If receiving worklog is disabled in configuration then you will get follwoing status:

That is how it looks in remote Jira


In this section you can select if you want to synchronize worklogs:


Time Spent

If a user will log work on issue, then it can be send to remote JIRA


Time Spent

If a worklog is received from remote issue, work can be logged to the issue